De endelige specifikationer for GeForce 7800 GTX er ude. Chippen vil bestå af 302 millioner transistorer, og benytter 110nm teknologi - strømforbruget vil ligge mellem 100 til 110 Watt ved spidsbelastninger.
Chippen vil køre med en clockfrekvens på 430 MHz, der vil være 24 pipelines, og 8 vertex shadere. Hukommelsen, 256 MB GDDR3 RAM, vil køre med en clockfrekvens på 1200 MHz.
The chip is made using a 110 nanometre process and will have 302 million transistors. So far, this is the biggest chip ever built for graphics use. As we revealed before, the chip will be clocked at 430MHz and will use 1200MHz memory with a 256 bit GDRR3 interface.
It will have eight vertex shader units and will be able to process 24 pixels per clock. Nvidia claims that it has 24 pipelines. Some senior editors are referring to this chip as NV47 as it's nothing more than the NV47 was supposed to be, an NV40 with more pipelines and two more vertex shaders. Læs mere her: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=23951