nVidias kommende topmodel ser ud til at bryde med en tradition i grafikkort-branchen, det kan nemlig fåes i butikkerne så snart det bliver frigivet. Selvom det kun er udvalgte butikkerne der har GeForce 7800 GTX på lager, så er det stadigvæk en stor forbedring i forhold til tidligere, hvor der gik måneder inden man kunne få sig et helt nyt grafikkort. Flere danske webshops er begyndt nedtællingen til nVidias frigivelse af GeForce 7800 GTX, så de kunne være nogle af de heldige, der har det på lager.
NVIDIA WILL lift the veils and disperse the smoke on the Geforce 7800 GTX at the crack of dawn on the 22nd of June, European time, and you will be able to read many reviews of these nice cards. Journies true and loyal to the principle of the non disclosure agreement will have one, while the really very very very important press will have two cards to show off its SLI scores. Rebellious scum like us won't get anything, as usual.
We asked around among partners and distributors and it turns out that some very special Nvidia customers might have some cards for sale at the day of the launch.
This will be a welcome change for a graphic card launch. In the past you could only buy the card a month after its launch but this time Nvidia decided to do things differently. Læs mere her: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=23976