nVidia har sat priserne ned på en række low-end og mainstream grafikprocessorer, inklusive GeForce 6200 og 6600. GeForce 6200 med Turbocache er således sat US$ 15 ned, mens en GeForce 6600 grafikprocessor fåes US$ 5 billigere. Prisnedsættelserne gælder også GeForce 6200, FX5200, og MX4000.
Nvidia recently lowered the price of its GeForce 6200 with TurboCache by US$15, according to sources at Taiwan graphics-card makers. In addition, the company cut the price on its GeForce 6600 series US$5 and the prices for all parts from its GeForce 6200, GeForce FX5200 and GeForce MX4000 series were reduced US$1-2, indicated the sources.
The price cuts are aimed to drive market demand during the traditional off-season, as Taiwan-based graphics card makers are reporting sequential drops in their May shipments, sources at graphics-card makers commented. Læs mere her: http://www.digitimes.com/news/a20050616A5021.html