Er du blandt dem, der har undret sig over, hvad de mange pins på AMDs kommende Socket 1207 er til, så er svaret her... - AMD vil nemlig integrere PCI-Express på processoren, og dermed sænke latency til resten af komponenterne i maskinen betragteligt. Tænker man over det, er det faktisk rimelig genialt, for det giver lynhurtig kommunikation med grafikkort, netkort, og alle komponenter, som benytter sig af PCI-Express. Intel har fået samme idé som AMD, men det går op til 2 år, før Intel kan byde på PCI-Express controller på processoren.
That one is easy, you integrate PCIe onto the chip. Latency for just about everything takes another huge whack, and everything from video to 10 GigE gets faster. For the home, you get more frames and better graphics responsiveness. For the business world, you get latency reduction on I/O, latency reduction on I/O, and latency reduction on I/O as the three most important things.
If you were wondering what all those pins on S1207 were for, wonder no more. If you need I/O that scales with the number of CPUs, look no farther. If you want this from AMD, it will happen. If you want it from Intel, it will happen too, just 18-24 months later, *COUGH* Nehalem *COUGH*. Læs mere her: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=24756