Det er denne gang de store modeller på 400- til 500GB der bliver testet, med 16MB cache og harddisk-plader fra 100- til 125GB per styk.
Det er tydeligt at disse harddiske ikke bare er store, men også har nogle rigtig gode overførselshastigheder:
Fra konklusionen på anandtech:
All of the physical specifications of the WD4000YR tell us that it won't perform as well as the two 500GB models, but our benchmark results say otherwise. Those of us who are familiar with hard drive technology know that the higher transfer rates that the 3.0Gb/sec models have to offer can only be achieved when multiple disks are striped, but we never thought that a 1.5Gb/sec unit could out-do those with double the theoretical transfer rates. http://www.anandtech.com/storage/showdoc.aspx?i=2628