Xbitlabs har testet dette grafikkort, og resultatet er faktisk rigtigt godt.
Grafikkortet har lavere effektforbrug end X1300-serien, højeste frekvens set til dato (700Mhz) og en ydelse på højde med det nye Geforce6600-DDR2.
Uddrag fra konklusion:
the advanced 0.09-micron tech process from Fujitsu helped S3 set a new record reaching a GPU frequency of 700MHz! Combined with a new GDDR3 memory controller, larger caches and more registers, this proved to be enough to make an appealing entry-level graphics card.
The gaming tests suggest that the S3 Chrome S27 is quite competitive against ATI RADEON X1300 PRO, RADEON X700 and GeForce 6600 GDDR2, thanks to its amazingly high GPU and memory frequencies and despite of lower-than-expected efficiency of execution. The power consumption of the new card is the lowest in its class. Even the RADEON X1300 PRO with 4 pixel pipelines and 2 vertex processors clocked at a lower frequency consumes more power than the Chrome S27, with its 8 pixel and 4 vertex processors, does. Samtidigt er billedkvaliteten blevet forbedret, anisotrofisk filtrering konkurencedygtig med ATi, og FSAA er stadig noget af det flotteste(men langsommeste) på markedet med Rotaded Grid Super Sample, som bl.a. blev set i 3dfx's Voodoo4/5-kort.