Diverse d.  16. januar. 2006, skrevet af B@NG 2 Kommentarer.  Vist: 720 gange.

Kigger man på ABIT's navn det seneste års tid, bliver man næsten glad når man ser nye produkter fra dem. De er en pioner på markedet, de har formået at løfte overclocking via BIOS til et højt niveau.

Til trods for at nForce4 SLI til Intel har mødt mindst lige så meget modgang som ABIT har, har de alligevel valgt at tilføje boardet i deres sortiment.
[H]ardOCP tester boardet:

"Overclocking this board was very challenging. Despite very solid, robust overclocking options in the boards BIOS and despite the quality ram I was using with an overclock friendly CPU and low ambient room temperatures I was NOT able to get a stable overclock with this board past 240FSB. Most other Pentium 4 boards, certainly those with Intel chipsets will do 250MHz FSB without hardly breaking a sweat. Any Pentium 4/Pentium-D board that is targeted at the enthusiast should be able to do 250MHz FSB. Unfortunately I was not able to accomplish this task. I am not sure what factors were the cause of this, but I simply could not do it. 246MHz was the absolute ceiling I could reach, but the system was hardly stable at this setting. Perhaps ABIT can address this with a BIOS update? Still, if you have a higher clocked Pentium 4 such as the 570 or 670, you can achieve a good overclock, simply because you don't have far to go. I was able to get my Pentium 4 3.8GHz processor to 4.3GHz on air..."

Testen: http://hardocp.com/article.html?art=ODY1LDE=
17-01-2006 11:49:39
Ja, det kan ikke ligefrem siges at være nogen succes det nForce4 til Intel.

17-01-2006 13:51:03
I am not sure what factors were the cause of this


Det hedder Nvidia chipset CRACK.