Review af MCT-5 Non-Conductive Fluid til vandkøling.
Denne væske er tidligere blevet testet og der opstod en læk. denne læk blev dog først opdaget et godt stykke tid senere da det overhovede ikke påvirkede driften.
Nu en test af væskens temperatur egenskaber.
Today?s review covers a product that should give the end user a little peace of mind. We are going to look at a product from Midwest Cooling Technologies called MCT-5. This is a product that is said to be non-conductive, and is used to replace the coolant and distilled water that a water cooler normally calls for. In other words, if you spill it on your equipment, it should do no harm to the system.
MCT-5 is a product that is manufactured exclusively for Danger Den, a leading manufacturer and distributor of just about everything you would need to set up your own water cooling system. You can find out more about Danger Den by visiting their web site at www.dangerden.com. Danger Den was kind enough to send us this product to review, so a big thank you to Danger Den for their support of those living on the Bleedinedge! LINK: http://www.bleedinedge.com/reviews/cooling/mct-5/mct-5_01.html