ATI, samt de fleste af deres partnere siger at ATI kortene på markedet er HDMI-ready, dette er en løgn.
Oven på FiringSquads artikel omkring manglende HDMI support på samtlige kort på markedet er ATI lige så stille begyndt at fjerne alle informationer der handler om HDMI fra deres hjemmeside, hvor de før har pralet med at deres kort har HDMI-support.
ATI har samtidig sagt at HDMI supporten kan integreres på et software mæssigt plan, hvilket nVidia, samt HDMI kommiteén har benægtet, siden det kræver en speciel chip til at sørge for copy-protection. Selve GPU'erne understøtter faktisk HDMI, dog er dette aldrig ført videre til selve grafikkort printene, og uden chippen er det derfor umuligt at se High-definition.
"We spoke to a number of ATI's partners and asked if the boards were ready to output a HDCP-DVI signal and unfortunately the general answer was no. Some board manufacturers said that the boards that are currently shipping do not contain the HDCP decryption keys necessary to support HDCP at the board level. Regardless of the GPU, if the board does not have the necessary component and key, HDCP will not work. We further asked ATI's partners as to what possible reason board level support for HDCP was left out but the same reason was given almost unanimously: ATI did not consider HDCP to be ready because copy protection for Blu-ray and HD DVD was still up in the air, and therefore did not feel it was worth it to pay the licensing fees necessary to be fully HDCP-compliant."