SiS siger at de med deres kommende SiS665 northbridge vil lancere DDR3 support til Intel cpu'er! Det er et meget spændende skridt da SiS for nylig er begyndt selv at producere DRAM, hvilket tyder på at de måske regner med at lancere DDR3 ram allerede i slutningen af 2006!
SiS claims that they will have DDR3 support on the 665 Northbridge by Q3'06, making it the first chipset capable of DDR3 support by our playbook. Whether or not motherboard adopters actually incorporate DDR3 into production designs is another issue entirely. However, given the fact that SiS has privately told us that the company will enter the DRAM market, it could be that SiS might have an ace up its sleeve.
Samtidig har SiS også d.9/3 lanceret SiS662 der er et chipsæt der understøtter Pentium D smat har integreret GFX og support for DDR2-667