Timings eller hastighed

Diverse d.  02. april. 2006, skrevet af Illuminati 1 Kommentarer.  Vist: 794 gange.

Kan det betale sig at ofre ram-timings for at få mere ram-hastighed? Tomshardwareguide kigger på timing vs speed og tester grundigt i cpu/ram intensive programmer.

If you are reading this article, there is a good chance that at some point, you have found yourself wondering about what you should do to maximize memory performance. Should you go for memory that runs with tight timings and average frequency, or for relaxed timings at high clock frequencies? In fact, you might ask whether the whole timings vs. clock speed discussion affects performance at all?


03-04-2006 03:20:47
er det ikke kun 3 mdr siden de lavede en magen til?