Rigtig mange tweaker og overclocker deres hardware i dag.
Anandtech er også af den overbevisning, at man kan have alt highend udstyr i verden, men hvis du ikke haren veltrimmet BIOS f.eks. er maskinen ikke det værd.
De har fået fat i et ATi baseret ASUS bundkort, nemlig ASUS A8R32-MVP modellen, som er blevet kørt igennem den helt store tur:
"If you're wondering why we did an article like this, one of the reasons is to illustrate the importance of having a well tuned BIOS implementation and quality board components. You can use the best peripherals on the planet, but with a poorly coded BIOS or sub-par board components you will still achieve lackluster results. Did we achieve lackluster results? Not in our opinion, although we expected a little more from this board just as a lot of enthusiast users have since purchasing it." http://anandtech.com/mb/showdoc.aspx?i=2743&p=1