Til dem der ikke har opdaget det endnu, kan der oplyses om at EA Los Angeles (EALA) er i fuld udvikling med det næste spil i Command and Conquer serien. Spilet kommer denne gang til at hede ?Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars?, som vil blive udgivet af EA Games i løbet af 2007, hvis alt går efter planen. Rygtet har gået lidt rundt i de forskellige gamerforums, men er officielt i dag blevet offentliggjort af EA Games.
fra eagamws in danish
Den episke kamp mellem Global Defense Initiative (GDI) og The Brotherhood of NOD fortsætter... Og den tredje Tiberium krig er ved at bryde ud. Velkommen tilbage!
EA kan i dag offentliggøre at Command & Conquer?, den banebrydense serie, som satte Real-time Strategi (RTS) på verdenskortet, nu vender tilbage i fuld styre med Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars.
Dette længe ventede tredje kapitel bringer serien tilbage til detes rødder i Tiberium universet og inkluderer det flydende gameplay, som Command & Conquer serien er kendt for og en spændende history, som vil redefinere historiefortællingen i RTS spil.
Året er 2047 og der har aldrig stået mere på spil end nu. Tiberium, en udenjordisk selvgenererende substans, som har inficeret jorden, spreder sig som en radioaktiv istid. GDI, en højteknologisk alliance bestående af nogle af verdens mest avancerede nationer, kæmper for at inddæmme tiberiummet, mens Kane, den megalomanske leder af The Brotherhood of NOD, har andre planer for jorden. Kanes hemmelige broderskab er fast besluttet på at bruge Tiberium til at tage kontrol over og transformere menneskeheden efter hans hjerne. Jordens skæbne balancerer på en knivsæg!
"Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars kombinerer hurtigflydende gameplay med nye måder at fortælle en historie i et RTS spil," siger Mike Verdu, Executive Producer ved EA Los Angeles (EALA). "Vi skaber et næste-generations Command & Conquer spil, som er loyal over for seriens sjæl, men opdateret med det bedste af det bedste inden for det visuelle, strategiske og gameplay-mæssige. Jeg er meget benovet over at arbejde på dette forrygende spil."
"Vi har længe ventet på at offentliggøre dette spil, og er glade for at bringe serien tilbage til hvor det hele begyndte," siger Louis Castle, VP of Creative Development hos EA Los Angeles (EALA), med-skaber af Westwood studierne og skaber af Command & Conquer serien. "Tiberium universet er en af mine personlige favoritter og denne sags nye retning vil med garanti skabe glædes hos fans af serien".
Oplev en revolutuion i RTS-genren med en banebrydende singleplayer kampange, som belønner dig for din spillestil. Tilføj nye strategilag til din spiloplevelse ved at bygge mobile baser, benytte kraften fra frygtelige Ion storme eller ændre din hær ved at kombinere flere forskellige enheder. Kæmp online kampe med indbygget Voice-over IP (VOIP), integreret klansupport og den nye spectater mode, som lader dig spille RTS kampe som en sport.
Spillet er under udviklings hos EALA og er sat til at udkomme i løbet af 2007 på PC. Produktet er endnu ikke alderssat af PEGI. For mere information omkring serien, kig nærmere på
fra eagames in english
REDWOOD CITY, Calif., April 20, 2006 - The epic struggle between the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and The Brotherhood of NOD continues?and the third Tiberium War is about to begin. Welcome back, Commander. Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: ERTS) today announced that Command & Conquer?, the groundbreaking series that put the Real-time Strategy (RTS) genre on the map, is returning in full force with Command & Conquer? 3 Tiberium Wars*. This highly-anticipated next chapter takes the popular series back to its roots in the Tiberium universe and features the fast, fluid gameplay that Command & Conquer is known for and a gripping story that will redefine storytelling in RTS games.
It is 2047 and the stakes could not be higher. Tiberium-a self-replicating alien substance that has infected the Earth-is spreading like a radioactive ice age. The GDI, a high-tech alliance of the world's most advanced nations, is fighting to contain Tiberium, but Kane, the megalomaniacal leader of The Brotherhood of NOD has other plans for Earth. Kane's secret society turned superpower is bent on using Tiberium to take control and transform humanity into his twisted vision of the future. All-out war rages over Tiberium and the fate of the planet rests in the balance.
"Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars combines fast-paced gameplay with new ways to tell a story in an RTS game," said Mike Verdu, Executive Producer at EA Los Angeles (EALA). "We're building a next generation Command & Conquer game that is true to the spirit of this classic franchise, but is updated with state-of-the-art visuals, added strategic depth, and gameplay innovations that will move the genre forward. I am very excited to be working on this amazing game."
"We have been waiting to reveal this game for quite some time and are thrilled to bring the series back to where it all began," said Louis Castle, VP of Creative Development at EA Los Angeles (EALA) and co-founder of Westwood Studios, creator of the Command & Conquer series. "The Tiberium universe is a personal favorite of mine, and this saga's new direction will prove to be a worthy addition to one of the most celebrated RTS franchises."
Experience a revolution in RTS gaming with a breakthrough single player campaign that rewards you for your gameplay style. Add layers of strategy to your gaming experience by building mobile bases, wielding the power of terrifying Ion Storms on the battlefield, or customizing your armies by combining units. Battle it out online with native voice-over IP, integrated clan support, and new spectator modes that let you play RTS games like a sport.
Currently in development at EALA, Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars will ship in 2007 for Windows PC. This product is not yet rated by the ESRB. For more information about Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars or the Command & Conquer series, please visit www.CommandAndConquer.EA.com.
* working title
About Command & Conquer
The Command & Conquer franchise celebrated its 10th anniversary in August 2005. The groundbreaking franchise was one of the first to introduce players to the modern RTS genre, has spawned over a dozen PC titles, and ranks in the top 5 best-selling PC franchises of all-time according to the NPD Group. Additionally, Command & Conquer Red Alert and Command & Conquer Generals were the number one best-selling** PC RTS titles in 2000 and 2003 respectively. Combined sales for the franchise have topped 23 million units worldwide to date. The franchise boasts one of the largest and most active fan communities in the world. For more information on Command & Conquer series, please visit www.CommandAndConquer.EA.com.
** According to NPD Group
About Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts Inc. (EA), headquartered in Redwood City, California, is the world's leading interactive entertainment software company. Founded in 1982, the company develops, publishes, and distributes interactive software worldwide for videogame systems, personal computers and the Internet. Electronic Arts markets its products under four brand names: EA SPORTS?, EA?, EA SPORTS BIG? and POGO?. In fiscal 2005, EA posted revenues of $3.1 billion and had 31 titles that sold more than one million copies. EA's homepage and online game site is www.ea.com. More information about EA's products and full text of press releases can be found on the Internet at http://info.ea.com.
Electronic Arts, EA, EA SPORTS, EA SPORTS BIG, POGO and Command & Conquer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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