nVIDIA's og ATi's Fysik kan ydelsesmæssigt ikke komme i nærheden af Ageia, ikke engang X1900XT.
En programør har prøvet at implementere Fysik til både Ageias physX, ATi physics og nVIDIA phyX
Han fandt ud af at det eneste kort der kunne arbejde ordentligt med fysik er den originale vare.
"He tried to implement the physics and said that to his horror he learned that ATI and Nvidia "cosmetically" affects the physics. The developer added that only Ageia can handle game play physics. The same level of physics quality cannot be achieved using GPU physics, and even high end cards such as X1900 XT or 7900 GT cannot handle it." http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=32810