Guide: X1900 Series Overclocking

Diverse d.  05. juli. 2006, skrevet af Nosferatu 1 Kommentarer.  Vist: 495 gange.

Madshrimps har skevet en OC guide til X1900 ejere. Det er ikke en helt ny guide, men ikke desto mindre relevant. Den afklarer indstillingsmuligheder for x1900 kortet ved hjælp af ATI tool, og ser nærmere på en masse andre aspekter ved dette kort.

"You may think you are experienced, or have overclocked before and therefore may think this guide is of little use to you, but I would have to say that you are incorrect. This guide is for both the experienced and inexperienced overclockers. Some parts may be boring for those experienced in the art and they may skip to the highlights and key points of performing this task.

You currently own an x1900 series video card but you are now itching to compete and get the maximum out of your card. Some would wonder at this fact simply because this is arguably the fastest GPU available (when this guide was written). But we all want the most out of our investments and this is one way of doing it. But it does come with a risk."
08-07-2006 09:32:17
En guide der beskriver det vi allerede ved.
Ikke noget innovativt over den guide.

Tager udgangs punkt i ATITool som så mange mange andre lign. vejledninger.

Kunne de da ikke lave noget ordentligt, som f.ek.s bios edit så man kan flashe sit OC så man ikke skal bruge alle mulige latterlige programmer, det ville jo være noget mere bevendt og NYT!