Mange har sikkert drømt om lydløse cpu kølere, passiv køling og mange andre finurligheder. Indtil nu har løsningen været at købe mobile og lade dem være passivt kølet. Måske kommer der en helt ny metode.
Forskere har nemlig fundet ud af at man kan ionisere luften og derved styre den. Dvs. lave et lokalt, småt, kontrolleret blæsevejr omkring din cpu. Lyder frækt og meget fantasifuldt, men det er åbenbart ikke så langt væk endda.
" University of Washington researchers have succeeded in building a cooling device tiny enough to fit on a computer chip that could work reliably and efficiently with the smallest microelectronic components.
The device, which uses an electrical charge to create a cooling air jet right at the surface of the chip, could be critical to advancing computer technology because future chips will be smaller, more tightly packed and are likely to run hotter than today's chips. As a result, tomorrow's computers will need cooling systems far more efficient than the fans and heat sinks that are used today. " Link: