K8L nu kendt som Barcelona

Diverse d.  25. september. 2006, skrevet af Kasseren 2 Kommentarer.  Vist: 423 gange.

[H]Enthusiast, en del af [H]ard|OCP, har haft en snak med AMD om deres kommende Quadprocessor.

I artiklen præsenteres vi for det nye navn Barcelona og diverse facts om den kommende processor. En af de gode nyheder er at den vil kunne køre på AM2 platformen :)
Artiklen er fra den 18. september, men vil nok alligevel være ny for nogle, som den var for mig.

"A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Phil Hester, Senior VP and CTO of AMD, and also have a phone conversation with AMD Senior Technical Architect Pat Conway. I would like to take this time to talk about some of the issues we covered while peppering the information with my own thoughts.

When I talk to upper-ranking executives with tech companies, I like to ask, ?Do you build your own machines?? Phil let me know that, like many [H] enthusiasts, he had been experimenting with his own AMD 4X4 box. He and his son are currently sharing a dual-processor, dual-core system based on a Tyan workstation board. You have to appreciate a CTO that still gets his hands dirty like the rest of us, and it goes a long ways towards letting me know that this guy really does know what is going on at an enthusiast level. If you understand that, you?ll know where the market is moving. "

Find artiklen på http://enthusiast.hardocp.com/article.html?art=MTE3NCwxLCxoZW50aHVzaWFzdA==
27-09-2006 23:34:09
Lyder spændende, især omkring det med det at AM3 bliver bagudkombitibel med AM2'eren :)

02-10-2006 21:22:19
#1 Ja meget , der er rigtig godt for "os" forbrugere