Motherboardet er et Intel Bad Axe 2 og cpu'en en QX6700. Intel fremviser oc potentialet på deres kommende quadcore processor.
QX6700 skulle ramme handlen i november, resten af lineup'et må vi vente med at se til januar.
Intel enthusiasts around the world either love or hate the Intel D975XBX 'Bad Axe' motherboard, but one thing is a fact - everyone knows the board. Intel has not said if the current D975XBX revision 304 and lower boards will support quad-core processors and there might be something behind that. Here at IDF every single quad-core processor that was seen running on Intel chipsets used the upcoming Intel D975XBX2 'Bad Axe 2' motherboard. We managed to attend, get this, an overclocking/performance workshop here at IDF and were able to get an up close and personal look at the D975XBX2 motherboard. Link: http://www.legitreviews.com/article/395/1/
Update: Apropos quadcore: Kentfield er grundlæggende 2 stk conroe smækket sammen. Intel brygger selvfølgelig på en rigtig quadcore cpu. Den hedder Yorkfield og får Kentfield til at se en del mindre interessant ud.
By the way, there is another Quad-Core model under development, according to the latest roadmap from Intel. The model is codenamed Yorkfield and expected to release in the second half of 2007. Similar to Conroe, Yorkfield will be a hybrid Quad-Core processor which shares the same L2 Cache, such that it can increase the cache hit and lower the loading of FSB.
Yokrfield features 1333MHz FSB, DDR3-1333/DDR2-800 and dual PCI-Express 2.0 interface. Coupled with Bearlake X chipset, Yokrfield perhaps is the strongest CPU in 2007. Intel is now co-operating with software developer to optimize Quad-Core products. Link: http://www.hkepc.com/bbs/itnews.php?tid=675864&starttime=0&endtime=0