Efter lang tid er der nu kommet nogle nye udgaver af Futuremarks program-lineup. Det drejer sig om 3dmark05/06 og pcmark05.
Der er tilsyneladende ikke nogen patch til 3dmark05, så her skal der hentes den fulde udgave.
3DMark06 Build 1.1.0 Fixes Windows Vista enabled; (* Fixed splash screen on Windows Vista; Fixed some Export to Excel issues; Improved startup speed by optimizing the SystemInfo component; Updated SystemInfo component with support for the latest CPU and graphics hardware; Fixed all reported & reproduced issues. PCMark05 Build 1.2.0 Fixes Windows Vista enabled; (*
Fixed splash screen on Windows Vista;
Internet Explorer 7 compatibility;
Fixed Windows Media Player version detection;
Fixed transparent windows issues;
Fixed looping issues with HDD tests;
Fixed compatibility issues with Windows Media Encoder 9 Advanced Profile update;
Improved startup speed by optimizing the SystemInfo component;
Updated SystemInfo component with support for the latest CPU and graphics hardware;
Fixed all reported & reproduced issues.
Det er ikke helt til at finde en changelist/bugfix oversigt over 3dmark05.
Jeg kan anbefale guru3d.com til at hente fra, da det er relativt smertefrit at klikke igennem samt at de har sublime hastigheder.