Først sagde Seagate at de havde drevet omkring Juni. Hvad gør hitachi? De smider selvfølgelig deres nyeste Deskstar 7K1000-harddisk på markedet.
Der er ikke meget andet end at sige tillykke til hitachi, og vise specifikationerne herunder:
Specifikationer Deskstar 7K1000 ? gaming and high-performance PCs, external storage devices and upgrade applications
SATA 3.0Gb/s and PATA-133 interfaces
Ramp load design for increased shock protection
Three low-power idle modes to boost power efficiency
CinemaStar 7K1000 ? DVR applications
Adaptive error recovery and SMART command transport for optimized video streaming and picture quality
Smooth Stream Technology to optimize the drive for audio/video applications requiring reliable storage
"Bedroom quiet" acoustics
Finally, an enterprise version of the TB drive designed for lower duty-cycle, high-capacity enterprise environments is currently under evaluation at major OEM customers and is expected to be available in the second quarter.
Pricing and Availability for the Deskstar 7K1000
The Deskstar 7K1000 SATA version will be available in Q1 2007 at 750-GB and one-TB capacities. The 1TB capacity point will have a suggested retail price of $399 (USD).
The CinemaStar 1TB hard drive will be available in the second quarter.
Technical Specifications:
Deskstar 7K1000
1000/750 GB ? SATA (GB = 1 billion bytes, accessible capacity may be less)
148 billion bits per square inch maximum areal density
1070 Mb/s max. media data rate
8.7 ms average seek time (with command overhead)
7,200 RPM, 4.17 ms average latency
Serial-ATA 3.0Gb/s
32 MB data buffer ? SATA
26.1 mm in height (max)
700g in weight (max)
5/4 platters, 10/8 recording heads ? SATA
300 G/1 ms pulse non-operating shock
9.0 (5 disk)/8.1 (4 disk) watt idle power ? SATA
2.9 Bels typical idle acoustics
5-60 degrees C operating temperature