GeForce2 chipset cards

Diverse d.  16. januar. 2001, skrevet af SOS 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 542 gange.

Hej !
HardOCP har lavet en sammenligning af de forskellige GeForce2 versioner ! Der er masser af benchmarks til at vise forskellen !

"Most of everything there is to say about NVIDIA's GeForce has been said both here and everywhere else already. Everyone knows what the GeForce chipset can do, yet it seems like every day that some chump website is putting' up yet another review, just begging for your attention. And I'll be 100% honest with you, I haven't read a video card review in over three months. I already know what they're going to say, so why should I bother? And why should I expect you to bother reading this? Well, I hope some of you do, because I feel Visiontek is a damned impressive company that puts out some pretty impressive products. What our focus here is this a little Visiontek history and then we want to show you the real world difference between these cards so that you hopefully make a better purchasing decision when buying one. This comparison should be food for just about any GeForce2 chipset card, but we would suggest you keep your eyes open for these guys."
