With companies like Asus touting a large premium and a host of arguably unneeded features on its Republic of Gamers motherboards, MSI has gone for simplicity on this particular board. Do you need a slew of heatpipes crawling across the board in addition to a bunch of bright flashing LEDs? MSI doesn't seem to think so, but does this approach actually pay off? We find out "
Bit-Tech tester altså et bundkort som de klassificerer som et strip down/back 2 basics board. Der er ingen lys, lyde eller andre overflødige gadgets på det her board. Overclocking er nok et sted hvor i finder jer selv overraskede, det gjorde jeg ihvertfald...
Link: http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/2007/01/23/msi_k9a_platinum/1.html