Det kan ikke rigtig være en Aprilsnar mere, men kilden er dog The Inquirer - så det er måske heller ikke helt sandt. Alligevel går snakken om at THG skulle være solgt (eller næsten) og at der vil komme en officiel udmelding sidst på måneden.
Ifølge rygterne skulle et fransk medie have købt THG for et beløb omkring 15-20 mill $ hvilket lander på 80-120 millioner danske kroner.
[H]ardOCP skriver: "Hardware review site Tom's Hardware has been sold. While the buyer is yet to be formally announced, rumor has it that TG Publishing, publisher for Tom's Hardware Guide, was bought for $15-20 million.
A formal announcement is to be made sometime this month.
From Omid Rahmat, CEO of Tom's Publishing LLC:
"TG Publishing, the publisher of Tom's Hardware Guide, has been sold. We expect the deal to close this month, and will make an official announcement at the appropriate time. We believe that there are some very exciting times ahead for the company, and that our readers have a lot to look forward to.""
Går man tættere på kilden, så skriver TheInq som startede rygterne, i en update:
"We received an email from Omid Rahmat, CEO of Tom's Publishing LLC confirming a sale.
Omid said: "The rumors flying around are less than accurate. I can only comment on one point, and I do so reluctantly, hoping to avoid more ridiculous rumors.
"TG Publishing, the publisher of Tom's Hardware Guide, has been sold. We expect the deal to close this month, and will make an official announcement at the appropriate time. We believe that there are some very exciting times ahead for the company, and that our readers have a lot to look forward to. I hope that I can share our expectations with you shortly.""