DailyTech har skrevet en lille artikel omkring kampen mellem Blu-Ray og HD-DVD. Tallene viser at Blu-Ray allerede nu har solgt over dobbelt så mange medier som HD-DVD, faktisk i et 7 til 3 forhold. I år har Blu-Ray solgt 549.730 enheder mens HD-DVD står for 249.451 enheder.
At playstation 3 benytter sig af Blu-Ray, har også noget at sige på de nuværende salgstal.
"Sony Pictures Home Entertainment also broke down the high-def format unit market share. For Blu-ray, Sony leads with 32.2 percent, followed by Warner at 19 percent and Fox at 13.7 percent. For HD DVD, Warner accounts for 47.3 percent, followed by Universal with 38.3 percent and Paramount at 12.1 percent.
Although Nielsen VideoScan statistics are generally indicative of market trends, they do not include Wal-Mart and some online merchants. Sony?s choice to publish its findings after analyzing the latest numbers is a clear indication of the confidence that Blu-ray Disc has in winning the format war. Still, Blu-ray only took the lead from HD DVD in 2007, which HD DVD supporters blame on their format?s relatively sluggish recent months. With high-definition movie sales figures being insignificant when compared to the numbers that DVD sells, both HD DVD and Blu-ray have a ways to go before either one can truly be declared a winner." Kampen er dog langt fra slut, faktisk er den jo dårligt begyndt. Der er stadig mange ting der kan ændre sig. En del mener at porno-branchen stadig har noget afgørende at sige, men det finder vi nok snart ud af.