Noctura NH-U12F

Diverse d.  25. april. 2007, skrevet af cornerrage 1 Kommentarer.  Vist: 624 gange.

Markedet for cpu køling bliver rimelig meget domineret af orb køler konceptet og de lidt mere voldsomme køletårne. For de fleste er det svært at se forskel på to tårne, men kigger man på lyd, pris og ydelse kan der virkelig være forskel...

" Inside the dark brown box you will find a heatpipe tower that is very reminiscent of the Thermalright Ultra 120 design. We wouldn't dare touch the "which came first" question, but we do know that Noctua has been refining the basic design of this 120mm heatpipe tower for some time. Since the two Thermalright Ultra 120 models now sit at the top of our comparative cooler reviews, this design similarity certainly raises our Noctua performance expectations. There are also fan wire channels that allow mounting of both front and rear fans on the Noctua if you choose that configuration ."

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25-04-2007 21:30:26
ser jo godt ud. følger med blandt toppen. Og noctua er kvalitet + god service. Jeg fik tilsendt ekstra monteringskit - helt gratis