Kingston ser ud til at satse på at ramme hårdt og tidligt med DDRIII. De har ihvertfald valgt at kaste et par højtydende pinde ram ud førend alle producenter overhovedet har fået deres DDR3 print på plads.
While Kingston is one of the first names to pop into mind when anyone mentions memory, it is not the first name most computer enthusiasts might think of when it comes to high-end memory. Yet, Kingston always provides competitive high-end products in their HyperX line, and they are large enough to often be first to market with new memory technology. Today's review of Kingston DDR3-1333+ memory rated at 7-7-7 timings is an example of that. "
(Edit: Det ser ud til at corsair har smidt et par ligende stænger ud i æteren, link tilføjet.)