Anandtech har smidt et par linier og en masse billeder ud af de første indtryk de har fået af Computex. Der er mest tale om bundkort pga. Intels nye P35 chipset, men det lover godt og der kommer en masse nye tiltag som bl.a. Asus's retail vandkøleblok på deres kommende bundkort. 8/8 Crossfire istedet for 16/4 konfigurationen.
Slutteligt kan jeg tilføje at Anandtech nævner at vi ikke skal håbe på Barcelona eller noget i den dur.
The focus on this latest installment of Computex will once again be Intel centric with the official release of the P35 chipset, early looks at the upcoming X38 and G35 chipsets, and of course an emphasis on the upcoming 1333FSB Core 2 Duo and quad core processors. Speaking of X38 and G35, they should be available in late July to coincide with the new price cuts to existing products and the introduction of the 1333FSB processors. We have also found out that overclocking limitations that occured on the G965 chipset will not be an issue with the G35 products"