Mere mystik om firmaet bag 840 kroners pc?en

Diverse d.  26. juli. 2007, skrevet af System 9 Kommentarer.  Vist: 630 gange.

Den sensationelle computer, der kun koster en fjerdedel af, hvad alle andre i it-industrien trods årtiers ekstremt intensiv priskonkurrence har kunnet sætte sammen, sælges af et firma, der blev indregistreret for kun to uger siden.

Selskabet hedder Medison Europe Limited og har ifølge hjemmesiden til huse på 27 Ruffets Wood, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5JQ England. Adressen er et kontorhotel og der er ingen telefon til firmaet.

På Engadgets forum har en læser opdaget, at Medisons Terms of Use og Privacy Policy er 100 procent kopieret fra Apple ? kun navnet er ændret.

Firmaer, der ifølge Medisons hjemmeside er partnere og kan levere tilbehør til den sensationelle 150 dollar billige svenske bærbare pc, som blev lanceret i går, er i nogle tilfælde blevet anbragt på Medisons hjemmeside uden at vide noget om det ? endsige have indgået en aftale med Medison.

Det fremgår af indlæg på debatforumet om Medison på Sweclockers. Blandt de pågældende firmaer er komponentleverandøren Deltaco, som ifølge Medison kunne levere ekstra hukommelse til den billige pc. Men Deltaco har ifølge et indlæg på forumet oplyst, at man ikke sælger til slutbrugere og i øvrigt ikke lægger inde med RAM, der passer til den pågældende computer fra Medison. Henvisningen til Deltaco er nu fjernet fra Medisons hjemmeside.

Leveringstiden på den fantastiske computer er opgivet til sammenlagt fire uger. Hvis de mange mennesker, der formentlig allerede har afgivet deres bestilling, stadigt ikke har set noget til nogen computer i september, kan de måske trøste sig med, at de har været ofre for et i særklasse grundigt udført svindelnummer.

Blandt de mange tillidsvækkende argumenter på Medisons hjemmeside er det forhold, at selskabet har en serviceaftale med Infocare, så man kan være sikker på at få support og servicereparationer af den billige bærbare.

Den danske direketør for Infocare, David Friisholm, siger til ComOn, at Infocare som grundregel ser nye, potentielle partnere an, før man tegner serviceaftaler.

»Vi har før sagt nej til hardware-firmaer, som vi ikke følte havde det nødvendige på plads til at man ville kunne yde en ordentlig service. Jeg kender ikke til aftalen med Medison, men jeg går ud fra, at mine svenske kolleger har set sig godt for,« siger han.

Ifølge Davis Friisholm vil Infocare primært interessere sig for, om hardwarefirmaet vil kunne levere reservedele til de produkter, der skal supporteres. Men den hurdle ville Medison som svindelprojekt nemt kunne komme over. Medisons superbillige bærbare, som den fremvises på hjemmesiden, er nemlig identisk med en no name laptop fra den store taiwanesiske OEM-producent Clevo, og har man Clevo i ryggen har man også adgang til en solid og velorganseret reservedels-ordning.

Foreløbigt er kun en enkelt rapport om folk, der tidligere har bestilt en computer hos Medison i Sverige ? men aldrig fået nogen ? er begyndt at dukke op på <A HREF="">swecleckers forum</A>, men en række nyhedssites verden over er begyndt at advare potentielle købere mod at kaste sig i armene på det svenske foretagende.


Nyhed leveret af
26-07-2007 14:36:34
.. og hvis det alligevel viser sig at man er blevet snydt, går man til sin bank og får dem til at trække pengene tilbage.

26-07-2007 14:56:20
Ja, hvis du har betalt med dit kort.....

26-07-2007 16:53:34
første ting - det ervirkelig irreterende at systemet skriver de spørgsmålstegn over det hele.
anden ting - hvorfor ikke bare kontakte den svenske afdeling af infocare og høre dem om aftalen er real? 😉

26-07-2007 20:13:38
#2 For non-US currency, payment options
are limited to Visa and Master Card


26-07-2007 22:04:06
Er der nogen som er så dum de hopper på den ? Siger det ikke sig selv... 840 Kr. :no:

26-07-2007 22:45:16
Man skal nok ikke regne med en C2D til den pris............ 😛

26-07-2007 23:52:16
#2 Det betyder vel ikke nødvendigvis, at det er en der går gennem et firma, hvor pengene så går videre til dem. Hvis det er et fup nummer, så har man vel os et falsk betalingskort system. Så istedet for at overfører til eks. paypal overfører den til mandens konto?

27-07-2007 01:37:40
Om ikke andet virker det som at firmaet der behandler Visa betalingerne vil beskytte os mod misbrug af vores tillid. På deres hjemmeside kan følgende læses.

"We have received an enormous amount of feedback, both positive and negative relating to the Medison Celebrity Notebook. We would like to take this time to address customer concerns relating to our handling of the product, the buyer protection we offer, and our own capacity and vigilance relating to the situation.

I would like to begin by briefly explaining 2Checkout as a company. 2Checkout is an authorized retailer/reseller that provides turnkey e-commerce solutions to thousands of business customers around the world. As a merchant account / credit card processing alternative we allow business customers large and small to market their products to end-user customers worldwide. 2CO's proprietary technology supports back-office functions including financial reporting, tracking, fraud prevention, affiliate tracking, customer service and sales tracking.

Our customers are our business, and we would like to assure you that your thoughts, as well as the overall web reaction in regard to this product have been closely monitored. From the earliest posting on slashdot and engadget to the wide breadth of current discussion, we have been keeping abreast of the marketing spread of the suppliers product, as well as the responses the campaign gathered. We understand the importance of viral information dissemination, as well as the value of the consumer investigations and feedback. Your warnings, excitement, and apprehension have all been noted and we are taking steps accordingly to ensure that your concerns do not go ignored, and to protect both your interests and ours.

Medison itself seems to be the source of the greatest customer concern. The company, while only recently a licensed business entity, has been in operation since 1996. All information we have received from them has been thus far verifiable and free of major discrepancies.

As a reseller for thousands of vendors multinationally, we are unable to maintain a personal, on site style of oversight of every account and seller. We do not require a company to provide an extensive, unquestionable groundwork of business experience to market their products via 2Checkout. Nor is it even feasible to do so without alienating the individual or small business reseller, who are most in need of a turnkey services such as ours. However we do have a detailed process of checks and balances, as well as active monitoring procedures, in place to ensure that in the event a supplier is unable to fulfill their obligations. Our end user customers will not bear the brunt of any unfortunate activity. These practices have of course been amplified in this particular case due to the scope of the vendor's activity.

We have nothing to gain from working with a non-reputable supplier, and in insulating our customers from abuse, are indeed the only ones with something to lose. Conducting honest, risk free transactions in all our resale activities is indeed as important to us as it is to you, and we strive for it at every turn.

2Checkout maintains strict shipping policies to ensure that no funds are removed from the buyers account before a product has been marked as shipped within our system. This ensures that not only will the supplier not be paid before the item has shipped, the customers card will not even complete the transaction, the funds will only be held in an authorized state. Furthermore, until the initial run of orders has been fulfilled and received by the customers, any deposited funds for products en route will be held within the vendors account pending receipt from the buyer.

It has been theorized that the Medison business model may be a pyramid style operation where an initial customer base will receive their shipments, the funds from the units on the following tier used to pay for the loss on the first run of products. This would cause the customers from the final runs to go without a product when the buyer influx dies off. Buyers are protected from activity of this sort by our rolling reserve system, which holds back a scaling portion the suppliers profits for use in covering non-delivery of service. With a huge initial run that would lead to dwindling returns, the amassed funds from the larger order cycles would be sufficient to cover any losses that may be incurred from an inability to meet demand further along a receding cycle. Additionally, payment suspension can be immediately imposed in the case of an undesirable number of refund/non-delivery complaints.

As a reseller, there is no way we can 100% guarantee the veracity or delivery of service from a supplier. In the end, it is their duty to supply the product. As a retailer however, we can guarantee that a purchase from us is safe, and will be handled with the utmost care and attention to customer satisfaction. It is our goal to conduct our business in a way that is profitable to our business customers and risk free for our end-use customers. You face no financial loss for ordering a product via 2Checkout; in the worst case scenario you retain your money, and walk away with no gain, but no loss.

Given the pricing and presentation, your doubts and concerns regarding the Medison Celebrity are understandable and we sympathize with your apprehension. If you are unsure about your purchase you may well be better served to stand by see how the situation plays out. Doubts regarding the integrity of 2Checkout or our desire to provide safe, simple, service oriented online transaction are without merit however, and even if you choose not to purchase this product we hope for future opportunities to provide you with an e-commerce solution you can trust for both your sales and purchases online."

Det er da betrykkende at vide at 2CO i det mindste har rent mel i posen og er opmærksomme på at der muligvis kan opstå et problem.

27-07-2007 08:43:42
#8 😴
