Powerdesk 4

Diverse d.  05. september. 2001, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 305 gange.

Godt nok er det ikke hardware dette review handler om, men i får den alligevel.

Anandtech har kigget nærmere på et filhåndterings-værktøj som de mener er absolut nødvendigt for windows-brugere.

" PowerDesk 4: Never Use Windows Without It
Many users have never really gotten used to Windows Explorer. In fact, managing files seemed a lot easier back in the Windows 3.1 days, when you had your management windows side by side and could easily and quickly drag and drop files all over the place. But with Explorer, you had the "unified window" theory, and for many of us, it was more confusing than it was worth. Unfortunately, it was all that many users had, since Norton and PC Tools file managers has been dropped by Symantec. Nature, however, abhors a vacuum, and luckily a great product came into being that filled the void. "

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