Foxconn har kæmpet med at komme ind på retailer markedet med deres produkter. Det er har de faktisk klaret meget godt og nu er "begynder fejlene" ved at være klaret.
Så nu begynder de mindsandten at overraske, i kampen mod entutiast bundkort fra Abit og Republic of Gamers fra Asus smider de nu et DDRIII only board ud til os. Ikke nok med at det er DDRIII, det har også medfølgende adapter til at køle nordbroen med... Passiv luft, luft, vand og... Flydende nitrogen eller tør is. Jeg måtte lige kigge en ekstra gang da jeg så det, men den er god nok.
Kortet hedder Black Ops og af mere begrænsede nyheder skulle være en intuitiv BIOS med forklaringer i spandevis. Det skulle være muligt at pille ved alle tænkelig indstillinger, så måske er foxconn det nye DFI ?
We have opened up many more settings for end users to access compared with the Gladiator BIOS, but this new BIOS is not just about more settings. Quantum BIOS introduces a new way of organizing the information and options found in traditional BIOS menus, and we believe that we have created something more intuitive and user friendly. In addition, we've tried to explain what each setting does, and we have arranged them in logical groups where settings have an affect on each other."
FOXCONN previews BLACKOPS motherboard at CES 2008
New Quantum Force motherboard offers a multi-purpose cooling solution
CES Show - Las Vegas, USA, January 10th 2008 - FOXCONN is previewing the next motherboard in its Quantum Force product line - "BLACKOPS". It will be based on a new enthusiast-class chipset from Intel® and features a number of innovations designed for enthusiasts and extreme overclockers.
Demonstrated to media and selected customers at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, BLACKOPS looks set to delight enthusiasts with its unique BIOS features and a smart integrated cooling solution.
The 4 in 1 Quantum Cooler is an all-copper NB-SB-VRM heatpipe solution with a difference. Due to bundled accessories, the North Bridge (NB) section of the cooler can be quickly adapted for passive or active air cooling, water cooling or even extreme LN2 or dry ice cooling!