Adskillige fora og hjemmesider har rapporteret, at ATIs nye chipsetserie R700 bliver forsinket til 2009. Fudzilla hævder dog at have kilder på, at det modsatte er tilfældet og forventer at se det på markedet engang sidst i tredie- eller først i fjerde kvartal i år.
Fudzilla skriver:
Several forums and sites have reported that AMD's upcoming R700-series will be delayed all the way to 2009, but we can confirm that everything looks to be on schedule.
We previously misjudged the speed of introduction and the R700-series is likely to launch in the second half of 2008 rather than later. The base R700 model, a chip codenamed RV770 is already taped out, but ATI doesn't want to rush things.
At this time there is no indications that the RV770 chip will be pushed to 2009. Nvidia's counterpart to the R700 is also scheduled for the second part of 2008 and we heavily suspect Q3 or early Q4 introduction for both.