Diverse d.  10. april. 2008, skrevet af The Boss 7 Kommentarer.  Vist: 1055 gange.

Point of View releases GeForce 9800 GTX EXO EDITION

Point of View har valgt at sætte ekstra fart på deres 9800GTX EXO kort ved på forhånd at OC kortet samtidig med at de lev. det nye og spændende spil ASSASSIN'S CREED med i pakken.
Spillet foregår i mellemøsten hvor du som korsridder bevæger dig rundt - rigtig flot spil.

Her er den orginale presse meddelse:

POINT OF VIEW, well known for its range of NVIDIA based Graphics cards, is launching today the overclocked version of one of the fastest single GPU graphics card on the market, the GeForce 9800 GTX EXO EDITION.

With the release of the GeForce 9800 GTX, it was immediately clear that this card is a serious competitor in delivering the best performance for gamers all over the world. And because too much performance is not enough, we've decided to give this monster a little kick-start!

The performance of the Point of View GeForce 9800 GTX EXO EDITION is pushed even further by increasing the core speed to 725 MHz, the shader processor speed to 1813 MHz and the memory speed to an insane speed of 2300 MHz! This gives you that edge you need without voiding any warranty, just 100% pure performance!

The 128 stream processors in the GPU are guaranteed to boost your system more than enough to play your favorite game on the highest resolution possible. Together with a great pricing level, the GeForce 9800 GTX EXO EDITION is definitely an interesting card for your gaming rig. Its 65nm GPU, a key element of the GeForce 9 series, has better power efficiency than previous versions and allows better clock speeds and performance. And if that's not enough, the GeForce 9800 GTX EXO EDITION has support for both 2-way and 3-way SLI, for the ultimate gaming performance.

Last but not least: as grandma used to say: 'with an elite graphics card, you need an elite game bundle', and that's exactly what we've done! Point of View is extremely proud to present to you the Special and Limited edition game bundle of ASSASSIN'S CREED!

The GeForce 9800 GTX EXO EDITION with ASSASSIN'S CREED is available from April 10 and will be available in a Special Edition box. Be as quick as the Special Edition version is only available in limited quantities.

Visit the "Where to Buy" section of our website for a sales point in your country or check with your retailer for availability.

About Point of View Graphics
Point of View, well known for its range of NVIDIA based Graphics cards, is established in the year 2000. Since its inception, the sales of Point of View graphics cards have grown exponentially and our brand can now be seen in more than 70 countries world-wide. The headquarters of Point of View is based in the Netherlands where we operate the market with a European, multi-lingual sales team. However, our offices include: Point of View Belgium, Point of View France, Point of View Spain, Point of View Italy, Point of View Taiwan, Point of View China and Point of View USA.
As a high-end brand, Point of View holds a European vision on its product quality control and customer service and support. With excellent warranty conditions, efficient RMA handling and great technical support, Point of View prides itself on a very high level of service. Our focus is on supporting our distributors and partners to supply top quality products and present an exciting and marketable brand to retailers.
For more information about Point of View Graphics, visit the company's website:

The Assassin's Creed - Jerusalem, 1191 AD.
The Third Crusade is tearing the Holy Land apart. You are Altaïr, an elite Assassin sent to stop the hostilities by suppressing the powers on both the Crusader and Saracen sides. But as you carry out your missions, a conspiracy begins to unfold. You find yourself tangled up in a conflict that threatens not only the Holy Land, but the entire world.

The Assassin's Creed Director's cut edition will features four brand-new types of investigation, providing even more ways for players to explore the various locations of the Third Crusade. Without giving too much away about the storyline, the game has the following features:
-next generation sculpted characters, objects and environment
-balanced combination of self-paced explorations and fast-paced action
-a historically accurate environment
-a full, immersive and interactive world

Assassin's Creed is the prime example of next generation gaming. It's the perfect game to display the possibilities and power of the GeForce graphics card series. Its extremely impressive graphics, most natural and intuitive control scheme and deep story line with mind-wobbling twists, Assassin's Creed is an experience which shouldn't be missed by any gamer!
10-04-2008 10:08:29
Assasin's Creed er højest et middelmådigt spil. Har aldrig oplevet noget så ensformigt før 😛 Føj

EXO Edition er bare et overclocked 9800GTX, right?

10-04-2008 10:12:47

Ja, der er der jo heldigvis forskellig mening om, jeg har snakket med en del som har spillet det - og som har stor fornøjelse af det... 😛

10-04-2008 10:15:39

Det er fedt de første par timer, men når man så skal gøre det hele igen for 7. gang så trækker det sku lidt ud ;)

Jeg gennemførte det godt nok på Xbox 360, men kan ikke forestille mig der er så stor forskel igen på PC versionen og Xbox 360 versionen mht. gameplay.

10-04-2008 10:19:59
-> #1

Du har tydeligvis aldrig prøvet 'pacman', 'snake' eller 'tetris' så 😛

10-04-2008 14:05:00
Hmmm, hvor meget mere larmer det mon så? I.flg. tomshardware, larmer et 9800GTX noget mere end f.eks mit eget 8800GTS 320 mb, så et fabriks OC kort er måske endnu værre? Det er sgu da utroligt, at de ikke lærer at lave mere lydsvage kort.

10-04-2008 19:12:22
Ser faktisk fedt nok ud :yes:

15-04-2008 00:08:28
#4 hej nonig du gamle..

tja nogle af os har jo næsten din alder.. så nogle af os har jo rent faktisk spillet packman og tetris da de var små.. ;)