DFI er blevet kendt blandt entusiaster som bundkort med et utal af muligheder for at fintune. Ikke bare overclocking, det er hver en enkelt indstilling du aldrig selv kunne drømme om findes, ALT skal kunne stilles. Ifølge Anandtech ser det ud til at DFI ikke har glemt hvordan man laver en uhyggelig bios og derefter pynter bundkortet med grønt og intelligent layout. Spørgsmålet er jo så bare hvordan kortet yder?
Den grønne farve vi alle drømmer om, mmh. "
Expectations placed on the LANParty series from DFI are always high, but it has become more difficult for companies like DFI to stay ahead of the pack as boards from ASUS's ROG line have also begun to employ many of the additional BIOS functions that provided DFI with elite status among overclocking circles in the past. Although some of the competitors are now within a whisker of DFI's approach to BIOS options, a slight gap still remains in ultra fine voltage and memory clock skew control ranges; these allow users to dial in the last few MHz of stability while using lower levels of memory and chipset voltages (with some perseverance)."