Fudzilla skriver, at kilder i Taiwan har bekræftet, at Palit har opkøbt Galaxy.
Palit er et stort firma, som bl.a. står bag Gainward, Xpertvision, Palit og nu Galaxy. Formålet med købet er selvfølgelig at få en større markedsandel, så de kan få afsat flere kort.
Fudzilla skriver endvidere, at Palit er kendt for deres rigtig billige rampriser og forventer, at de kan og vil gøre en forskel på grafikkortmarkedet i fremtiden.
Digitimes skriver:
"Palit is a leading OEM graphics card maker, but, according to industry reports, the company has found itself carrying excess Nvidia graphics chip inventory after miss-estimating market trends and over-ordering. However, to preserve the health of its own pricing, Nvidia has a strict rule prohibiting Palit from selling the chips to other companies. The move to acquire Galaxy, which does not have its own production facilities, will allow Palit to pass the chips to the new subsidiary, mitigating its losses, the sources explained." Det store spørgsmål er, hvordan det kommer til at påvirke os forbrugere i Danmark. Fudzilla har en sjov sidste bemærkning:
"We wonder who is not on the list to be acquired, maybe Inno3d?" Fudzilla: http://www.fudzilla.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7755&Itemid=1
Digitimes: http://www.digitimes.com/news/a20080220PD221.html