Logitech z560

Diverse d.  07. april. 2002, skrevet af B@NG 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 476 gange.

Logitech's nye højttaler system: z560 er havnet i hænderne på Gamingin3d.
Det er et rigtig lækkert system, der har 1 x 8" Subwoofer, samt 2 satelitter.
Og det her system lader til at sparke seriøst r**

"Logitech broke out into the speaker scene a few years back,
yet not with a lot of Glitz-pah (don't ask...).
They had a decent 4.1 system out a while ago,
but it didn't have pack-leading performance like the Klipsch,
nor was it very inexpensive to make it an incredible bargain. Thus,
Logitech's speaker lineup never received much attention...until Labtec came along.
Soon after acquiring Labtec and their audio division, Logitech cleared out its old
speaker lineup and replaced it with the new "z" series. This new series, consisting
of only 3 different sets (z340,
z540, z560), is based closely on Labtec's very successful Pulse 424 system. In fact,
the z340s are just the Pulse 424s with some cosmetic changes, and the z540s are merely
the z340s with 2 more satellites. "
