Ny Dansk CPU køler ser dagend lys..
Det går godt i lille Danmark med produktion af kølere til PCer, vi kender vel allesammen til Asetek og NoiseLimit og nu har også Danske Danamics meldt sig på banen for CPU køling.
Det bliver spændende at se det færdige resultat, der benytter sig af flydende metal til køling og ikke mindst at teste den... :-D
Her er den org. pressemeddelse:
Danamics Newsletter 1 - July 2008
Dear Subscriber
Thank you for signing up to our newsletter. This newsletter includes an update to our website, our reseller plans and finally news about our first product.
First of all we have updated Danamics.com with more background information about our liquid metal based cooling technology. This also includes information about the electromagnetic pump with no moving parts.
Also we are currently searching for resellers for our product. If you would like to hear more about becoming an official Danamics reseller please contact us - either directly or use the reseller application form that has been released on the website.
Finally we have news about our product. Our first cooler will be called Danamics LM10 and will launch in Q3 this year. Specifications are yet to be revealed, but we have uploaded an image of the cooler on the website.
We thank you for your interest in Danamics and we are looking forward to giving you the ultimate cooling experience.
Best regards,
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