Danamics stopper produktionen, af den skuffende LM-10.
Og vil nu fokusere på at lave næste generation, af kølere baset på deres flydende metal teknologi.
Bliver spændende at se, hvad de finder på. Og specielt om prisen, kan svare til ydelsen det levere.
Our first product - the Danamics LM10 - was meant as a limited edition product and we are now closing sales of this model. Instead we will focus on new products featuring liquid metal technology. These products will also be for the high-end computing market and will launch later this year. Skulle man være (u)heldig nok, til at have købt denne køler, giver Danamics et gratis socket 1366 kit.
For registered users, who are awaiting the socket 1366 mounting kit, this is right around the corner. As promised earlier on, the socket 1366 mounting kit will be supplied free of charge to all customers, who have registered their Danamics LM10 cooler on our website. Danamics will also pay for shipping of the socket kit to you. The registration form for end users is available here. Kilde: http://danamics.com/news.aspx