Fremtiden er Ultra Tynd

Diverse d.  03. juni. 2009, skrevet af The Boss 3 Kommentarer.  Vist: 561 gange.

København, d. 2. juni, 2009.
Intel introducerer i dag fire nye processorer, herunder en energibesparende model, der gør det muligt at producere ultra tynde bærbare computere til det brede marked.

Intel's nye energieffektive processorer sætter en ny standart af tynde bærbare computere med en vægt på mellem 1,0 kg og 2,5 kg, en tykkelse på mindre end 2,5 centimeter og til en overkommelig pris. Disse nye processorer vil have et væsentligt lavere strømforbrug som dertil vil øge levetiden på batteriet.

The Future is Ultra-Thin: New Intel Chips Redefine
Laptop Style, Performance, Battery Life

TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 2, 2009 - Today at Computex, Intel Corporation introduced four new processors, including a low-power version and a value chipset, to usher in mainstream "ultra-thin" laptops.

Intel® ultra-low voltage (ULV) processors will enable new sleek consumer laptop designs less than an inch thick, weighing 2 to 5 pounds, and at mainstream price points.
These processors also consume less power to enable longer battery life, delivering the type of experience consumers expect from Intel-based laptops. In addition, Intel also announced the addition of new devices that can now wirelessly connect using optional Intel® My WiFi Technology.

"With an ultra-thin laptop powered by Intel® ultra-low voltage processors, consumers experience a unique balance of performance and power consumption that is incomparable in the market today - all in a slim, sleek package," said Mooly Eden, vice president and general manager of the Mobile Platforms Group at Intel.

"And at mainstream price points, Intel is proud to deliver ultra thin for all."

Intel extends its leadership on the standard voltage (SV) Intel® Core 2 Duo processors, with offerings up to 3.06 GHz. These energy-efficient processors deliver breakthrough mobile performance and responsiveness for demanding business users and consumers.
Users will see improved performance when running multiple, intense applications simultaneously, as well as dual-core optimized applications.

In addition, Intel unveiled the Mobile Intel® GS40 Express Chipset for the new ULV-based laptops. This value chipset enables ULV-based laptops to support features consumers have come to expect from laptops including HD playback, Windows® VistaT Premium support and native support for integrated HDMI.
Consumers have choice when it comes to their wireless options by adding embedded WiMAX or Intel® My WiFi Technology to their laptops.
Using Intel My WiFi Technology, more devices can now wirelessly connect to Intel® Centrino® 2 processor technology laptops. My WiFi Technology transforms a laptop into a WiFi personal area network, connecting directly with up to eight WiFi certified devices without cables or wires, including cameras, printers, HDTV and MP3 players, to print, share, show and sync wirelessly at home or on the go.

With high-speed broadband WiMAX networks rolling out in new cities around the world, embedded WiMAX is also an option for users, putting consumers on the forefront of 4G wireless with an entire city as their own hotspot.

03-06-2009 13:19:43
så må vi jo se om deres chipset er lige så "strømbesparende" som det deres ATOM processor understøttes af.

03-06-2009 13:37:30
#1 Jeg håber sgu de har lært lidt af "netbook fadæcerne" :)

03-06-2009 15:11:10
#1 Lige mine ord 😛