AMD kommer med 130 nano 2200+ MP CPU

Diverse d.  27. august. 2002, skrevet af bruger66666 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 307 gange.

130 nano 2200+ MP CPU

Ifølge The Inquirer så har AMD frigivet 130 nano 2200+ MP CPU

De skriver:

AMD introduces 130 nano 2200+ MP chip
But what's its market share
By Mike Magee: tirsdag 27 august 2002, 09:06

A MULTIPROCESSOR chip with a PR rating of 2200+ and using .13 micron copper technology is to be introduced by AMD today.
AMD will say that this is the third and "final" member of the Athlon chip family to move to the .13 micron copper process, after moving its mobile and desktop chips to the process.

The chip will cost $224 when 1,000 units are bought, and the firm claims it will be used in machines from 34 manufacturers worldwide.

Many of these manufacturers are system integrators, off the radar except in specialist markets, although an important segment.

The processor is used in dual processor system, aimed at the server market. But it's something of a mystery about just how big AMD's market share is in this sector.

Mercury Research estimates that it holds 5.5 per cent of server chips, a figure which seems very high to us.

Intel holds the lion share in this particular market, with a range of chips designed for both uniprocessor servers, dual systems, quad systems and eight way systems.

The figures are difficult to measure and companies like Gartner Dataquest appear unable to estimate the numbers as its PC shipment figures are based on systems which ship Windows operating systems.

Windows operating systems are not necessarily the ideal software for a dual microprocessing system. The MP chips are certified for both Microsoft and Linux operating systems.

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