ASUS EeeKeyboard PC 2010 ser ud til at blive året, hvor ordet multimedie center for alvor kommer til at sætte sig øverst på dagsordenen. Med Intel´s fremadstormende Atom platform i ryggen har adskillige producenter meldt deres ankomst på markedet for små kompakte media computere.
Men inden røgen overhovedet har lagt sig, dukker Asus op med et produkt der næsten kan overflødiggøre en reel mediapc. Det drejer sig simpelthen om et keyboard med indbygget Eee pc.
Så vidt vides har den endnu ikke ramt Danmark, men Fudzilla melder om at man kan pre-order på
Vi har dog fået nogle specifikationer på det lille vidunder:
Uddrag fra pressemeddelse:
Taipei, Taiwan; April 30, 2010
ASUS Launches the EeeKeyboard PC
It's a Stylish Keyboard on the Outside, a Smart PC on the Inside
ASUS today continues to deliver on its promise of cutting edge technological and design innovations with the launch of the EeeKeyboard PC-a fully-functional PC concealed within a svelte and stylish keyboard. First unveiled to a tremendous reception at CES 2009 and subsequently garnering 1st place at the CeBIT-PreView 2009 Awards, the portable 1kg EeeKeyboard PC works with any HDTV*, monitor*, or projector* to turn itself into a full-fledged PC. It provides users with a wireless computing platform, with Ultra-wideband (UWB) Wireless Display connectivity enabling it to stream HD 720p videos up to a 5-meter range (maximum 10-meter range for non-video transfers). Its built-in 5" multi-touch panel provides users with an interactive and intuitive means of directing the on-screen cursor to launch programs, send instant messages, and control its media player.
Link til Fudzilla´s nyhed: