AMD launch ny AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series

Diverse d.  22. oktober. 2010, skrevet af The Boss 15 Kommentarer.  Vist: 1232 gange.

AMD Aims to Deliver "Perfect Graphics Cards" for Gamers
with New AMD RadeonT HD 6800 Series

- Next-generation graphics cards introduce unprecedented levels
of game performance, best-in-class energy efficiency,
and an unmatched feature set starting at $179 -

SUNNYVALE, Calif. - Oct. 21, 2010 - AMD (NYSE: AMD) today introduced the next generation of PC gaming, the AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series, designed to be "perfect graphics cards" for gamers by delivering unprecedented game performance starting at $179 SEP.2 The new AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series graphics cards provide more than 30 percent greater game performance than competing products, harnessing AMD's second-generation Microsoft DirectX® 11-capable architecture, best-in-class energy efficiency, and an unmatched feature set, including AMD Eyefinity multi-display technology. The AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series is available immediately from etailers worldwide.

"AMD is the market share leader by a landslide in DirectX® 11 graphics," said Matt Skynner, corporate vice president and general manager, GPU Division, AMD. "Through our sweet spot strategy and our open, industry standards approach, we've worked to deliver the best possible experience for gamers. Today, our laser focus on gamers continues with the introduction of what we think is far and away the best graphics card series today, the AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series. With exceptional game performance, an unrivaled feature set including breathtaking DirectX® 11 gaming, AMD Eyefinity multi-display technology, AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, and more, the AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series will have all gamers wanting to get RadeonT in their systems."

"One of the great advantages of PC gaming is the rapid pace at which the experiences evolve and improve, and the AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series delivers on the promise of DirectX® 11 gaming with significantly improved visuals and enhanced performance," said Craig Owens, marketing director, EA. "With Medal of Honor, EA is pushing the boundaries of gaming technology to deliver a whole new online experience, and it only makes sense that we leverage the latest DirectX® 11 technology supported by AMD RadeonT graphics cards to deliver an amazing experience for gamers."

Leading DirectX® 11 Performance and Eye-Definition Graphics
Ultimate efficiency for ultimate performance: With the AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series, AMD aims to recreate the same incredible value proposition of the original "sweet spot" products, the ATI RadeonT HD 4800 series graphics cards. Taking full advantage of AMD's experience with DirectX® 11, the AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series is AMD's second-generation DirectX® 11-enabled chip designed to deliver more than 30 percent greater game performance over the closest competing products in their class and even faster tessellation for a more realistic gaming experience.1,3 The AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series' architectural efficiency and advances in power management technology deliver in best-in-class energy efficiency.1
New and improved image quality features: AMD RadeonT 6800 series graphics cards feature improved image quality, including all-new morphological anti-aliasing compatible with DirectX® 9, DirectX® 10, or DirectX® 11 applications, and improved anisotropic filtering.
Built for DirectX®11 games and more: DirectX®11 has quickly become the new standard for PC games. The majority of game developers chose AMD RadeonT graphics cards as their development platform of choice for their DirectX® 11 games, and today AMD continues to enjoy strong relationships with those developers and many more. Beyond DirectX® 11 games, the AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series also delivers an exceptional game play experience in DirectX® 9, DirectX® 10, DirectX® 10.1 and OpenGL titles in single card or multi-card AMD CrossFireXT configurations.4

Expand Your Experience with AMD Eyefinity Technology and Leading Display Technologies
Continued industry leadership in multi-display computing: The AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series graphics cards are the first in the industry to offer support for both DisplayPort 1.2 and HDMI 1.4a, providing PC users with expanded options for multi-monitor configurations, display selection, and new DisplayPort audio features.
Simple, flexible, affordable multi-display computing with AMD Eyefinity: AMD Eyefinity technology continues to be the most affordable multi-display solution available, offering incredible choice in display compatibility and configurations.5 More than 45 game titles have been AMD Eyefinity-validated or are AMD Eyefinity-ready titles, and there are hundreds of more games that are AMD Eyefinity-compatible. Additionally, continuing improvements to AMD CatalystT graphics drivers may unlock new functionality and flexibility in AMD Eyefinity features and configurations.
AMD HD3D technology for even more choice in 3D entertainment: With the AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series graphics cards, AMD is introducing AMD HD3D technology, the result of our open 3D initiative for stereo 3D gaming and movies. AMD HD3D technology supports over 400 titles through its partners, and AMD's open 3D ecosystem approach encourages the broadest selection of 3D solutions, available at the most affordable cost.6

Live Life at EyeSpeed with AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
Do more, faster with AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (APP) technology: Enjoy new features, functionality and improved performance in top media, entertainment and productivity applications made possible by AMD APP technology.7
Enhanced video quality features: The AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series graphics cards features Unified Video Decoder 3 (UVD), a dedicated video playback accelerator that enables users to get the most out of Blu-rayT 3D movies, other HD video formats, and online video, while enjoying video quality improvements such as advanced post-processing and scaling, dynamic contrast enhancement, color correction and more.

Extensive support of industry standards: The AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series graphics cards fully support both DirectCompute and OpenCLT, ensuring broad application support.

Partner Support
The AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series graphics cards is supported by a dozen add-in-board companies, including ASUS, Club 3D, Diamond Multimedia, Force3D, GIGABYTE, HIS (Hightech Information Systems), MSI, PowerColor, SAPPHIRE Technology, VisionTek and XFX.

About AMD
Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE: AMD) is an innovative technology company dedicated to collaborating with customers and technology partners to ignite the next generation of computing and graphics solutions at work, home and play. For more information, visit

1. In games including Aliens vs. PredatorT, Metro 2033T, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.T: Call of Pripyat, Lord of the Rings OnlineT, and Battlefield: Bad CompanyT 2, the AMD RadeonT HD 6870 delivers more than 30% higher frames per second over the Nvidia GTX 460 1GB. Test systems specifications: AMD PhenomT II X6 1090t Black Edition (3.2GHz) processor, Gigabyte 890FXA-UD5 (F4 BIOS) motherboard, Corsair Dominator 8GB (4x2GB) DDR2-1600 memory (9-9-9-24 timings), AMD RadeonT HD 6870 graphics card, running Windows® 7 64-bit with the latest critical updates, and AMD RadeonT 6800 Series Press Driver (8.782.2) vs. AMD PhenomT II X6 1090t Black Edition (3.2GHz) processor, NF980-G65 (v1.4 BIOS) motherboard, Corsair Dominator 8GB (4x2GB) DDR2-1600 memory (9-9-9-24 timings), Nvidia GTX 460 1GB, running Windows® 7 64-bit with the latest critical updates, and NVIDIA ForceWare 258.96 WHQL. Based on AMD internal testing, AMD RadeonT HD 6800 series graphics cards consume equivalent or less power than competing Nvidia GTX 460 graphics cards and per the above, deliver more than 30% more performance measured in frames per second demonstrating the AMD Radeon HD 6800 series has the most energy-efficient design in its class. Feature set includes AMD Eyefinity multi-display technology, support for DisplayPort 1.2 and HDMI 1.4a, support for new DisplayPort audio formats, and Unified Video Decoder 3. The AMD RadeonT HD 6870 will have a SEP of $239 and the AMD RadeonT HD 6850 will have a SEP of $179.

2. See performance data in footnote #1.

3. Based on AMD internal synthetic testing that demonstrates the AMD RadeonT HD 6870 achieves up to 2x the tessellation rate of the ATI RadeonT HD 5870.

4. AMD CrossFireXT technology requires an AMD CrossFireX Ready motherboard, an AMD CrossFireXT Bridge Interconnect (for each additional graphics card) and may require a specialized power supply.

5. AMD Eyefinity technology works with games that support non-standard aspect ratios, which is required for panning across multiple displays. To enable more than two displays, additional panels with native DisplayPortT connectors, and/or DisplayPortT compliant active adapters to convert your monitor's native input to your cards DisplayPortT or Mini-DisplayPortT connector(s), are required. AMD Eyefinity technology can support up to 6 displays using a single enabled AMD RadeonT graphics card with Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 operating systems - the number of displays may vary by board design and you should confirm exact specifications with the applicable manufacturer before purchase. SLS ("Single Large Surface") functionality requires an identical display resolution on all configured displays.

6. AMD HD3D is a technology designed to enable stereo 3D support in games, movies and/or photos. Game support made possible through partners including iZ3D and DDD.

7. Requires application support for AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (APP) technology. AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing technology works with applications designed to take advantage of its GPU acceleration capabilities.

©2010, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, ATI, the ATI logo, Catalyst, CrossFireX, Radeon and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.


22-10-2010 12:16:44
kunne i ikke flette alle de her tråde sammen? syntes det er lidt vildt at der skal oprettes tråde en mass ang de samme 2 kort 😐

22-10-2010 12:41:34
starting at $1791

lidt dyrt måske.. 😲 😳

kan så fortælle de ligger fra 1799 DKkr hos komplett... er det ikke lidt dyrt, eller er det bare mig der tror alt skal være noget nær gratis?

Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Chrisp d. 22-10-2010 12:43:34.

22-10-2010 12:43:36
var et 6870 ikke en 5870 update? hvorfor samlinger de det med GTX460?

22-10-2010 12:45:22
#3 det er afløseren til 5770 😎

22-10-2010 12:48:02
#4 Hvad vil 5870 så hedde, 7000? Nu er jeg helt væk.

22-10-2010 12:48:48
#3 Dog hurtigere end HD5850.

22-10-2010 12:49:23
#5 HD69XX. 😀

22-10-2010 12:50:19
#5 #7 har ret 🙂

og dual gpu'en vil hedde 6990

22-10-2010 13:04:15
logikken i det nye navngivningssystem skulle jo være at de i bund og grund kunne beholde de sidste initialer og kun skifte de forreste.

5750 = 6850
5770 = 6870

5850 = 6950
5870 = 6970
5970 = måske 6990 men logikken ville være 7090 for at holde +1100 princippet.

I må hjælpe mig hvis jeg er helt forkert på den.

Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Willson d. 22-10-2010 13:05:25.

22-10-2010 13:09:02
Jeg har et spørgsmål..

Vil de nye ati kort, altså 69 serien køre 3d, ligesom konkurrenter gør.. Eller hvordan ser denne del ud?

/SVAR: Haha fandt det lige selv. Ja det gør de.. De understøtter 3d..

Er der nogen af jer der kan give mig svar på.. Vil disse nye kort kunne køre med acers 3d skærme, i ved 120 hz .. mere præcis? 24" 120 Hz GD245HQ skærm

På forhånd tak!

Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Niel d. 22-10-2010 13:11:07.

22-10-2010 13:11:30
#10 læs her

det er vidst ikke for godt

Senior Skribent
22-10-2010 13:39:25
#9: Nej der er ikke megen logik. HD68xx er ikke direkte afløsere mht ydelse, men de afløser HD5850 og HD5870 i den forstand at de vil udgå af sortimentent inden for kort tid.

Ydelsesmæssigt ligger HD6850 ca 7% under HD5850 og HD6870 ca 10% over HD5850.

Skal det sættes op må det være således:
HD5830 afløses af HD6850
HD5850 afløses af HD6870

22-10-2010 14:00:05
@10 Ifølge Toms Hardware er en af ulemperne ved AMDs 3D løsning at de fleste 3D gamerskærme ikke har den krævede HDMI 1.4a port, men derimod anvender HDMI 1.3. De kender kun til Viewsonic V3D241wm-LED, en anden 24" gamerskærm. Hvis du har et 3D tv vil det virke fint med AMDs løsning, da de alle bruger HDMI 1.4a, når du har købt det nødvendige software.

23-10-2010 03:26:19
#12 og #13 Så har man lært noget nyt. Interessant.

23-10-2010 10:19:50
Som det ser ud nu er der ikke noget ordentligt OC potentiale i de nye kort, og derfor er de ikke så spændende for nogle af os herinde. Et 5850 med max OC er en god sjat hurtigere end et overclocket 6800 series. 😕 😉 Jeg havde regnet med godt OC potentiale ...Især når nu de er så energieffektive "ydelse pr watt". 😲 Men måske de nye cores bare skal have lidt ekstra Vcore ( Riiiiiiskaaaaa ) 😉 Kortene er jo også guf i crossfire.

Svaret blev redigeret 2 gange, sidst af Shutdown d. 23-10-2010 10:26:11.