Slut med nVidia grafikkort fra Club3D.

Flere der har fulgt med har måske set det komme. Fra Club 3D side har vi primært set og hørt om deres AMD serie grafikkort mens nVidia kortene har været så godt som ikke eksisterende i deres markedsføring. I går bekræftede Club 3D så disse formodninger.
Efter 16år med AMD og nVidia produkter vælger Club 3D fremadrettet et rent partnerskab med AMD og deres grafiske produkter:
Judith Ma Tseng CEO fra Club 3D udtaler;
“We are showing our commitment to AMD because we believe that AMD is ideally positioned to deliver a complete solution to our customers, and after 16 years in the business offering solutions from a variety of processor partners, we truly believe that we can offer a better solution going forward with AMD alone.”
Zvika Greenstein, Director of Desktop Product Management, hos AMD Graphics udtaler dertil;
“With products like the Radeon HD 7990 Dual GPU, Club3D has a long-standing reputation for delighting enthusiasts with spectacular products based on AMD Radeon™ graphics chips,” . “Their decision to join AMD as an exclusive hardware partner is a powerful acknowledgment of our leadership in the graphics space, and a tremendous contribution to the technical expertise in the AMD Radeon™ graphics ecosystem.”