Hynix fabrikken i brand !

Hynix fabrikken produktionsanlæg 1 og 2 er som følge af en storbrand sat ud af drift indtil videre efter nogle voldsomme kemiske eksplosioner.
Det estimeres at Hynix leverer omkring 30% af verdens DRAM produktion, hvilket nu betyder at Hynix står overfor en betydelig svækkelse i denne position som følge af branden. High performance GDDR5 bliver produceret i disse anlæg hvilke er essentielle for Nvidia's produktion af GeForce GTX serien, men hvorvidt det vil have indflydelse på priser på disse grafikkort er endnu uvist.
Indtil nu er seneste melding at alle større RAM producenter mv. har sat all ordre på standby !. Det både RAM til video og desktop brug skønnes umiddelbart at blive ramt som følge heraf, men hvorvidt det vil have nogle prismæssige konsekvenser på længere sigt kan vi kun gisne om.
Iflg Reuters siger Hynix, at de ikke vil være hårdt ramt af branden. De begrunder det med følgende udtalelse;
"Currently, there is no material damage to the fab equipment in the clean room, thus we expect to resume operations in a short time period so that overall production and supply volume would not be materially affected," company representative Seongae Park said in a statement.
"In addition, we expect that the majority of damage will be covered through insurance."
Vi følger med og opdater løbende i hvilke konsekvenser branden hos Hyninx kan have på det globale marked for hardware priserne.
Læs mere her:
Hvorvidt der fra Hynix side blot er tale om "damage control" i forhold til pressen lader der til at være gisninger om.
Fra engelske hardware shop Overclockers.co.uk, har ledelsen fra egne kontakter hos Hynix fået følgende meddelse tilbage;
The full damage report is not yet being finalized, but the information we have got so far is maybe 80% of the factory is damaged. This facility is monthly production is about 30,000pcs of 12” Wafer, and 80% of them is for DRAM, and 20% of them is for flash.
However, this facility is responsible for about 15% of total DRAM production, therefore, we should be expecting the DRAM price going up significantly. Today the DRAMexchange showed that 256*8 IC price is up more than 15% this morning, so don’t be surprised when you get the new quote from us.
As we all know due to the low demand in August, everyone is trying to get their stock as low as possible, but we believe due to this incident that we may see some panic in the market of trying to get hold of stock. Since the damage is not yet finalized, it would not be possible for getting anything out there, but I will keep you updated. GeIL will do our best to serve you when the situation is more clear.
Just for your information, to rebuild such facility may take up to 1 year, and I bet other manufactures would start to increase their DRAM production as much as they can. Usually, new production will take 40-45 days to come out, so within this period the DRAM price would be flying and we shall not be surprised.
Overclockers.co.uk meddeler at natten over er indkøbspriserne steget 20% for dem.
Opdatering fra Overclockers.co.uk
A further update:-
1) all suppliers would not accept any orders before having updates on the pricing next week. But the price would be much higher till then.
2) being the biggest customer to Hynix, HP switched all orders to Kingston. This caused the shortage to worldwide instantly.
So massive panic right now and the prices are rocketing like crazy, if this calms down next week they will settle but unfortunately at new highs. If the problem is as bad as some of making out then pricing could get truly crazy.......
Kilde: Overclockers.co.uk
Seneste opdatering:
Vi har netop fra en stor dansk distributør, fået information om at både RAM og Grafikkort priserne vil stige med op til 20-30% d.d. pga nye indkøbspriser - og at der kan komme en begrænsning i vare udbudet.
http://www.webhallen.com/dk-da/ melder officielt ud:
"Prices from some vendors have risen already by 15% and some local disties have increased their prices by as much as 30%.
Also some vendors have fully stopped all deliveries. Ie you cannot buy anything at all no matter what the price until they have more information.
In turn we worked late last night and bought around 6-7 thousand pices of RAM/kits. Basically emptying all European distis on the most popular SKUs."
"Kingston Technology is aware of the unfortunate occurrence with one of our closest vendors SK Hynix. At this time we have no comment on how this situation relatest to our business. Our concerns right now are safety of the people affected and their families.
Det vil det efter lydende gøre mere eller mindre med det samme, idet flere producenter allerede har lukket for nye bestillinger af chips. Der er ingen der kan sige noget omkring hvornår produktionen er oppe igen, så prisen er allerede steget i kanalen.
The Boss