Plextor lancerer ny M6-serie SSD'er

Harddiske d.  10. januar. 2014, skrevet af Bonghætte 2 Kommentarer.  Vist: 2717 gange.

Plextor lancerer ny M6-serie SSD'er

CES '14 er ved at nå til vejs ende, men inden da synes Plextor at ville stjæle lidt af scenelyset med deres seneste annoncering.

De nye SSD'er kommer i en bred vifte af interface muligheder, hvor der både er mSATA til de helt små maskiner, SATA til standard maskiner og PCI-Express til de virkeligt ydelseshungrende.  Bygget på Toshibas seneste generations 19nm 'Toggle NAND flash' med 'Adaptive Write' teknologi, loves der at ydelsen så vidt muligt bibeholdes gennem hele produktets garantiperiode, selv under konstant hård belastning.

En hurtig gennemgang af de nyligt annoncerede SSD'er:


M6e M.2 (PCI-e):

  • Controller: Marvell® 88SS9183
  • Læs/Skriv(MB/s): 770/625
  • Læs/Skriv(IOPS): 105.000/100.000
  • Op til 512GB lagerkapacitet
  • 5 års garanti
  • Launch priser ca.: 128GB - £ 132 (£ 1,03 GBP / GB) 256GB - £ 215 (£ 0,84 GBP / GB) 512GB - £ 419 (£ 0,82 GBP / GB)  


M6S (SATA) og M6M (mSATA):

  • Læs/Skriv(MB/s): 520/440
  • Læs/Skriv(IOPS): 94.000/80.000
  • Op til 512GB lagerkapacitet


M6 forventes i butikkerne i foråret 2014.


Den originale pressemeddelelse på engelsk kan læses her:


CES Announcement:

Plextor Announces M6 Series of Solid-State Storage Solutions

Highlights Include Ultra-Fast M.2 PCIe SSD and Next Generation M6 Series

FREMONT, CA / LAS VEGAS, NV, January 9, 2014 -- Plextor (, a leading developer and manufacturer of high-performance digital media and storage equipment, today announced its M6 series lineup of solid-state drive solutions.  The multi-form factor lineup features Plextor’s next-generation 2.5” M6S, , and M6M mSATA SSDs, along with the introduction of two PCIe drives -- the ultra-fast M6e M.2 PCI express and New HHHL PCIe card.

“We are excited to announce the new M6 series, Plextor’s new generation of consumer solid-state storage products. With the addition of the M6e M.2 PCIe and SATA drives to the M6 family, Plextor now offers one of the broadest and highest-performing portfolios in the consumer space,” said Darlo Perez, Director of Plextor Americas.

“Plextor’s latest lineup highlights our commitment to providing top-shelf quality and performance in the solid-state drive market.”

In addition to the new M.2 form factor, The M6 also features the latest generation of advanced 19nm Toggle NAND flash from Toshiba with “Adaptive Write” Plextor’s next-generation proprietary firmware technology designed to maintain SSD performance under heavy workloads and throughout the life warranty of the drive. This allows for increased storage density and capacities up to 512GB.

M6e M.2 PCIe and HHHL PCIe Card: This solution is optimized for serious users to demand the fastest speeds seen on the market today. The M6e sports the latest generation Marvell® 88SS9183 flash controller with multiple cores for efficient performance during intense usage. The M6e’s PCI express interface delivers maximum sequential read/write speeds of 770/625 MB per second and random read/write speeds of 105,000 and 100,000 IOPS. The M6e is automatically recognized as an AHCI device, requiring no additional drivers. When used as an ultra-fast boot disk on a system with UEFI, startup times are cut in half. The M6e comes in capacities up to 512GB.

The entire M6e series is backed by a five-year warranty and the reassurance of Plextor’s long reputation for quality, testing, and rock-solid reliability.  All Plextor products feature custom in-house design, development, and manufacturing by the company’s engineers.

M6S: A high-performance hard drive upgrade, the M6S 2.5-inch SATA SSD is the perfect replacement for a traditional hard drive. It features faster boot times, shorter application load times, and overall improved system performance. The M6S is available with up to 512GB of storage, and features sequential read/write speeds of up to 520MB and 440MB per second, and random read/write speeds up to 94,000 and 80,000 IOPS, respectively.

M6M: The ultimate ultrabook upgrade, the M6M mSATA drive is the ideal solution for users wishing to upgrade any device that requires a solid state drive with a small footprint. The M6M features capacities up to 512GB, with sequential read/write speeds of 520MB and 440MB per second, and random read/write speeds of 94,000 and 80,000 IOPS, respectively.

The M6 series is expected to be available for purchase in the spring of 2014.

For more information about Plextor products, go to:

10-01-2014 18:35:27
Jeg ser sku frem til at de PCIe SSD'er kommer op i fart og ned i en spiselig pris :)

Læs/Skriv(MB/s): 770/625
Læs/Skriv(IOPS): 105.000/100.000

Det kan vist godt gøres lidt bedre....

11-01-2014 00:51:23
#1 så er det nok mere sata-express du skal se frem til - sata på pci-e x4 bus 🙂 Det kommer nok i løbet af '14 - og så får vi nok et hold nye controllere til massemarkedet og med tiden mulighed for at udnytte 4 GB/s 😲