Guide til overclocking af P4 - 800 MHz FSB.

Diverse d.  23. november. 2003, skrevet af Kays 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 468 gange.

Guide til overclocking af P4 - 800 MHz FSB.
Der findes efterhånden en del guides til overclocking af P4 med 800 MHz FSB og HT. Nu har ocaddiction kommet med deres bud på en sådan.
Der er tale om en 2,4 C som ocaddiction får op at køre 275 FSB på et Soltek 86SPE-L med springdale chipset.
Ikke så meget nyt i denne guide, men udemærket søndagslæsning.
With air or normal water cooling, heat is going to likely be the limiting factor in your overclock. Even if you had a 3.2GHz CPU to start with, you are likely going to be limited to the same 3.6GHz that a 2.4C can potentially get to. Now, when at equal clock speeds, the processor with the higher FSB will be the better performer, when you look at applications that involve more than just the CPU (ie most real apps). This is because there is more transactions with the memory, and therefore more theoretical bandwidth available.,1/