Test af Aerocool HT-101 HSF Køler

Diverse d.  14. marts. 2004, skrevet af Tom Christensen 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 478 gange.

Endelig sker der noget nyt indenfor luftkølere til processorer - denne fra Aerocool er til både Pentium og AMD processore. ViperLair har testet denne køler.

When I received the DP-102 shortly after Craig's review, I was quite impressed with the performance of the cooler. When the HT-101 arrived, the aesthetics certainly impressed me, but it was the cooling ability that was important and the HT-101 didn't let me down. Whether you go with a dual or single fan setup, the Aerocool's performance should do the job.

Link til test på ViperLair: http://www.viperlair.com/reviews/case_cool/aerocool/hsf/ht101/