AMD Radeon R9 Nano specifikationer afsløret

Så er der gang i rygterne igen, denne gang om det kommende AMD Radeon R9 Nano. Sitet har fået fingre i specefikationerne på det kommende kort, og man må sige at det ser ganske fornuftigt ud.
"The R9 Nano, the miniature version of the Fury X, which does not ship with external water cooling, will be released in two days. It was believed that R9 Nano could actually feature the very same GPU as Fury X, Fiji with 4096 Stream Cores. The leaked datasheet confirms this information. What’s surprising is that the engine clock is reported as ‘up to 1000 MHz’. That’s much more than we expected, however that’s definitely not the base clock, but theoretical maximum boost speed this card could achieve under very strict power requirements."
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