Engelske Hexus.net har været igang med at overclocke deres Athlon 64 3200+ på et nForce 3 250 bundkort.
Perfect stability was achieved with good cooling right up to 227MHz Front side bus, or 2,270MHz processor speed before we needed to raise voltage levels. Increasing the Vcore to 1.6v enabled us to go just shy of 240MHz front side bus. Applying the maximum 1.7v Vcore gave stability at 240MHz, or 2,400MHz processor speed and enabled us to run some tests successfully at speeds up to 247MHz. 250MHz proved elusive, even with Freon cooling, as the processor was crying out for more voltage. As we pushed the speed of the processor we took a few simple benchmarks along the way so that we could see how the increased speed translates into system performance. Here are the results. Og der er mere her: http://www.hexus.net/content/reviews/review.php?dXJsX3Jldmlld19JRD03NTEmdXJsX3BhZ2U9MQ==
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