Radeon Pro Duo

AMD lancerer deres første grafikkort i Radeon Pro serien. Det nye kort har masser af kraft og kan udkonkurrere GTX Titan X (sli) i test. Som navnet antyder, er der to GPU's og der er arbejdet intenst på at mindske latency og optimere VR ydelsen. Er du hooked på VR, så kan dette kort følge med et godt stykke tid ud i fremtiden. Alt dette kommer selvfølgelig ikke dumpende ned fra hilmen til spotpris, næ nej du skal smadre sønnikes sparegris og inddrage konens husholdningspenge et par måneder frem i tiden, da prissedlen lyder på ikke mindre end USD$ 1499,- (ca. kr. 9900)
Der er selvfølgelig kommet en pressemeddelelse og nogle lækre billeder fra AMD. Læs herunder hvad de selv skriver (på engelsk).

Today we introduce to the market the Radeon™ Pro Duo featuring LiquidVR™, the world’s first platform for VR content creation and consumption. The Radeon Pro Duo graphics card is aimed at all aspects of VR content creation; including, entertainment, education, journalism, medicine and cinema. With 16 teraflops of compute performance, the Radeon Pro Duo offers a complete solution for the VR developer by helping to bring tomorrow’s VR content to market in record time.

Virtual Reality demands ever higher compute performance with rock solid consistency. Leveraging our graphics IP across FirePro and Radeon product lines, our new Radeon Pro Duo with the LiquidVR SDK is the world's fastest platform to enable a world class graphics and VR experience. With the Radeon Pro Duo, it’s our objective to solve major problems developers face, by reducing latency and accelerating the VR pipeline through close collaboration with the content development community and with AMD LiquidVR technology. The Radeon Pro Duo is an incredibly advanced and powerful dual-GPU board that delivers the horsepower needed by VR designers, content creators and VR content consumers. We believe products like this will lead to greater immersive experiences.

The AMD Radeon™ Pro Duo is the initial product of the AMD VR Ready Creator line, and more importantly, it is also the platform of choice for Crytek's VR First™ initiative. This program is aimed at nurturing new talent in the field of virtual reality development by powering virtual reality labs in colleges and universities worldwide. As a graphics card that bridges the needs of both VR content creators and content consumers, it's extremely fitting hardware to supply to the brightest up-and-coming developers. We believe these developers will surely shape the future of virtual reality and immersive computing.

The AMD Radeon Pro Duo is available globally on April 26 from select AIBs and system integrators. Its anticipated SEP is USD$1499. To learn more about the AMD Radeon™ Pro Duo, please visit: www.amd.com/radeonproduo

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