Logitech Z 2200 vs. Klipsch ProMedia 2.1.

Diverse d.  19. august. 2004, skrevet af Kays 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 1402 gange.

Logitech Z 2200 vs. Klipsch ProMedia 2.1.
Her er der THX certificeret lyd fra logitech til ca. 1000,- Sættet bliver ud fra subjektiv vurdering head 2 head testet mod klipsch, der er langt dyrere.
Both the Klipsch ProMedia 2.1's and the Logitech Z-2200's have their strong points as well as their weak points. In the end, Logitech's use of easier, better planned features led me to choosing them over the ProMedias. I highly recommend these speakers to anyone with limited space and/or limited money to dish out.
